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Tonal mastery in photography

Tonal is fundamental in photography, determining how light and dark appear in an image. The histogram is a valuable tool that becomes a guide for the photographer in balancing these tones.
In this article we explore the meaning of hue, the use of histograms as topographical maps, and comment that this understanding particularly applies to black and white photography. How can histogram analysis improve image composition and aesthetics especially in the context of black and white photography?

Tonality in photography refers to the range of tones present in an image, from the darkest shadows to the brightest highlights. The components of tone include shadows, midtones, and highlights.

  • Shadows are the darkest parts of an image that light only partially reaches or doesn't reach at all. They help define the shape and depth of an object or scene.

  • Midtones are between the shadows and highlights. They represent areas where light is moderate, and they often contribute to the representation of details and textures.

  • Highlights are the brightest parts of the image, where the light is most intense. They add points of focus and contrast to a photograph.

Tonality represents the visual aspect of a photograph. Do not confuse tone and exposure. As a reminder, exposure represents the quantity of light received by the sensor. The difference between tone and exposure in photography is key to understanding how to adjust these settings when editing images.


  • Tonality refers to the distribution of different brightness values in an image. It is usually divided into areas such as highlights, midtones and shadows. Adjusting the hue consists of modifying the distribution of these values to affect the overall rendering of the image.                                  

clear tone

(Light tone)

neutral tone

(Neutral tone)

dark tone

(Dark tone)

  • Exposure relates to the total amount of light captured by the camera sensor. Correct exposure produces a balanced image where details are clear in both light and shadow areas. Overexposure occurs when the image is too bright, while underexposure occurs when the image is too dark.

(Clear Tone)                                              (Neutral tone)                                           (Dark tone)

overexposed photo
overexposed histogram

(Overexposed photo)

underexposed photo
underexposed histogram

(Underexposed photo)

A histogram in photography is a graph that represents the distribution of tones in an image. It is usually displayed as a bar chart where the horizontal axis represents the tonal range (from dark to light) and the vertical axis indicates the frequency or quantity of pixels at each tone level . On the horizontal axis, dark tones are represented on the left, midtones in the center, and highlights on the right. It is an important tool for evaluating the exposure and tonality of an image. It helps determine whether an image is underexposed, properly exposed, or overexposed. By reviewing it, photographers can adjust shooting settings such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO sensitivity to achieve the desired tonal distribution. You will find more details in the article on the exhibition which can be consulted right here(article link)

The histogram, in photography, plays an essential role in creating strong contrasts.  Before even releasing the shutter, examining the histogram on the camera allows you to anticipate and adjust the exposure to avoid overexposure or underexposure.

To intensify the contrast when shooting, it is recommended to seek a balanced distribution of tones on the histogram, avoiding extremes. In post-processing, adjusting the tone is a crucial step. The use of editing software offers the possibility of playing with the tone curve, thus accentuating the contrast between shadows and highlights.

Tone curves - photoshop

(Tone curves - Photoshop)

Finally, a concrete example of this creative approach can be observed when switching from a color image to a black and white image. By selectively adjusting the tone, boosting specific contrasts and playing with color filters during conversion, it is possible to create an artistically rich and impactful black and white image.       

deverne premises - color

(Color photo)

deverne premises - black and white

(Black and white photo)

Black and white photography can highlight details and textures in a different way because without color the contrast between shadows and highlights is often more pronounced, which can add drama to images. .

White horse

(Photo of a white horse in black and white)

Understanding and manipulating tonality in photography is crucial for photographers, whether novice or experienced. The tonality represented by a histogram provides important information about the distribution of tones in an image, from shadows to highlights.

By adjusting tones during shooting and post-processing, photographers can create strong contrast, shape the mood of an image, and highlight details. This helps prevent overexposure or underexposure, ensuring optimal exposure. Creative manipulation of tones also extends to converting color images to black and white, where subtle adjustments can produce visually powerful compositions.

Our next article will be an immersive dive into the art of trompe l'oeil in photography. We'll look at real-life examples of photographs where trompe l'oeil has been skillfully used to defy our expectations and create images that demand a second reading.

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