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Introduction to FPGAs:
Definition & General presentation


FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Array) represent a significant step forward in the field of integrated circuits. Unlike traditional integrated circuits, FPGAs offer unique flexibility and adaptability. The acronym translates to “Field Programmable Door Arrays” demonstrating the ability of devices to be (re)programmed after manufacturing. Traditional integrated circuits are frozen once produced.

Due to high demand from engineers, FPGAs hold flexibility in the design of electronic systems.

In modern electronics, their importance lies in their ability to provide customizable solutions and adjust to rapid technological developments, which thus offers a dynamic alternative to traditional integrated circuits.

The applications are diverse and affect many fields such as telecommunications, embedded computing, aerospace, computer vision, etc. Their use is widespread in various fields and demonstrates their ability to meet varied needs, providing solutions adapted to different and complex applications.

(General presentation of FPGAs)

They are distinguished by a so-called flexible architecture offering quality versatility in the field of integrated circuits.
Basic operation is based on a matrix of configurable logic blocks with interconnected resources that will allow engineers to program and customize them according to specific needs.

The logic block matrix constitutes the heart of FPGAs. It is composed of interconnected configurable logic cells, forming a grid structure. Each logic cell can be programmed to perform a specific logic function, and interconnections allow complex circuits to be created. Configurable resources also include things like flip-flops, multiplexers, and memories.


Asic, integrated circuit designed to perform a specific function


Microcontroller, a small computer integrated into a single integrated circuit (chip) that is used to control specific functions in embedded systems.  


FPGA, integrated circuit designed to be field programmable by the user, after manufacturing.

Compared to ASIC circuits (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) and microcontrollers, FPGAs stand out due to the possibility of being reprogrammed after their manufacture. ASIC circuits are designed for a specific application and are fixed once produced, while microcontrollers have pre-programmed functions. FPGAs, on the other hand, allow engineers to modify their configuration.


  • Rapid development cycle

  • Reusability

  • Adaptability to prototypes and small series

  • High performance for trading algorithms

  • Real-time parallel processing

  • Low and stable latency

  • Remarkable adaptability and flexibility

  • Infinite reprogramming possibility


  • High initial cost

  • High energy consumption

  • Clutter

  • Relative performance

In the FPGA market, a few major manufacturers dominate the sector:

  • Xilinx, a company acquired by AMD in 2020, stands out for its high-end FPGAs and advanced development tools.

  • Intel, another major player, offers a full range of FPGAs under the Intel FPGA brand, resulting from the acquisition of Altera in 2015.

These two manufacturers are recognized for their technological leadership and their significant contribution to the development of FPGAs. Other players, such as Lattice Semiconductor and Microchip, are also playing an important role in the market by offering solutions suitable for various applications.

FPGAs are very flexible and can be used in different types of projects. They allow you to develop new things quickly and can be reused several times. They work well for some special tasks, such as in trading, because they can process information very quickly and accurately. However, they are expensive upfront, use a lot of energy, and take up a little space. Sometimes they are not as good as ASICs, which are designed specifically for a single task.
In summary, the choice between FPGA, microcontroller and ASIC depends on the need of your project and your initial budget capacity. FPGAs are good if you need flexibility and speed. ASICs are better if you need maximum performance for a specific task. Microcontrollers are better for simple and inexpensive uses.
The constant evolution of this industry promises an exciting future for FPGAs, with continued innovations and increasing adoption in new application areas. In the next article we will discuss the functioning of FPGAs and their areas of application.

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