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The emergence of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence was born from an ideal: to make machines intelligent to help humans in their evolution. The initial focus of this technology was the possibility of control automation based on electronic components with the first computerized mathematical models. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to reproduce human behaviors such as reasoning, planning and even creativity. Artificial intelligence refers to systems or machines that imitate human intelligence to perform tasks and can improve based on the information they gather. Artificial intelligence manifests itself in many forms. It is based on algorithms and its use requires certain precautions to be respected. Indeed, human beings must keep an eye on it because AI can be subject to error: this is called bias. However, artificial intelligence holds great promise for value creation and significant competitive advantages for many sectors of activity.

Artificial intelligence

The history of AI work dates back to ancient times. It was not until 1943, a crucial starting point, that the first mathematical model of an artificial neural network was developed by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts. The first concept of artificial intelligence was born. During the 1950s, many engineers and scientists developed AI, on the computer project capable of playing chess. At that time, computers were still very primitive, and researchers had to use manual methods to solve problems. In the 1940s and 1950s, computers began to become more advanced, which allowed artificial intelligence researchers to begin creating computer programs that could solve complex problems. The IBM 702, a computer used by the first generation of artificial intelligence researchers, was one of the first computers to use computer programs to solve problems autonomously. Over the years, research in artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, with major advances in areas such as speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing technologies.

IBM 702

(IBM 702 - computer used by the first generation of artificial intelligence researchers)

Alan Turing and Marvin Minsky are two of the pioneers of artificial intelligence. Alan Turing played a key role in the design of the first computers, which allowed artificial intelligence researchers to develop computer programs that could solve complex problems. The discipline of artificial intelligence was created after the Dartmouth Conference in 1956. This conference, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, brought together a group of researchers in computer science, psychology and mathematics to discuss the possibility of create machines capable of thinking like human beings. This conference marked the beginning of artificial intelligence research as a discipline in its own right, and led to many major advances in the field over the following decades. In short, the work of Alan Turing and Marvin Minsky, as well as the Dartmouth conference in 1956.

pioneers of artificial intelligence

Since then, AI has experienced cycles specific to innovation disciplines with phases of hibernation and phases of significant progress, notably with the development of neural networks. Today, artificial intelligence is everywhere: smartphones, computers, tablets, cars, public transport, connected objects... everything in the network is now equipped with artificial intelligence to varying degrees. AI has also sparked debates about its ethical and social implications, particularly regarding employment, security and data privacy. Despite these challenges, AI continues to advance rapidly and offers fascinating prospects for the future.

Artificial intelligence is already very present in our lives. Indeed, if we take the example of the automobile industry, cars are no longer what they were before. Today's cars are increasingly equipped with integrated software that makes driving the vehicle easier with information and entertainment tools (e.g. GPS systems, integrated cameras, etc.). Furthermore, a lot of work is being carried out towards fully autonomous vehicles through ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) systems.

AI - vehicle detection
AI - vehicle detection
AI - vehicle detection

When it comes to smartphones, artificial intelligence has multiple advantages. It can improve photo and video features, application performance, optimize power consumption or even extend device battery life by continuously analyzing device usage and adjusting power treatment as needed.
Other specific applications of AI linked to smartphones are deepening over the years, such as improvements in virtual reality, translation, voice recognition, fingerprints, irises and even audio recordings.

AI - facial recognition

(Laurent Boutigny -Deverne - AI facial recognition)

Visual generated by DALL.E

(Visual generated by DALL.E according to the following order: “a pink, sunny interior living room with a swimming pool with clear translucent water, next to a large window, digital art”)

The smart home today offers the promise of a simplified daily life within everyone's reach. Between smart thermostats, lighting adjustment, control of locks and shutters, alarm systems... The scope of the smart home's field of application is considerable and its advantages numerous. The ease of controlling the connected home via a mobile application or via "hubs" has greatly contributed to the popularity of these home automation technologies.
Other applications of artificial intelligence concern content creation. We can cite, for example, the famous conversational tool ChatGPT, which is a real technological advance. Thanks to a database, this technology allows us to obtain answers to our questions in record time. This dialogue tool allows communication and real dialogue with the interlocutor in the form of written messages. It excels at answering questions, and it also proves to be a powerful editing tool, capable of producing consistent, high-quality written content from simple written instructions. Many image-generating artificial intelligences also exist such as Dall-E 2, Midjourney, etc.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that arouses both enthusiasm and concern because of its high stakes and potential threats. On the one hand, AI offers significant benefits, such as automating repetitive tasks and making decisions faster and more accurately. However, on the other hand, AI also poses significant risks, especially when it comes to security and privacy. AI-related threats include the creation of fake videos, also known as “deepfakes,” which can be used for malicious purposes such as manipulating public opinion. In the list of threats we can also have the writing of false information by artificial intelligence (linked to the risk of error or bias), the intrusion into private life through facial recognition or identification functions of people.


 ( DeepTomCruise – an account that imitates Tom Cruise with DeepFakes) 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in our daily lives, across many sectors of activity. Today, AI is capable of surpassing human capabilities in certain narrow and targeted niches, such as image recognition or decision-making in specific situations. However, it is important to emphasize that artificial intelligence cannot completely replace human intelligence, which is capable of taking into account many factors and adapting its actions based on unforeseen situations. Indeed, AI is developed by man and can only function thanks to the technical means made available by him. It is therefore essential to think about the consequences of the use of AI and to have regulations in place to avoid ethical abuses. For example, the use of AI in employment may have negative consequences for workers, while the use of AI for population surveillance may infringe on individual freedoms.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence is a constantly evolving technology which offers many possibilities, but which must be used responsibly and ethically to avoid abuses. AI cannot completely replace human intelligence, but it can be used to improve our daily lives and solve complex problems. But how do these algorithms work?

In the next article we will discuss the use of machine learning, deep learning and neural network techniques in the field of computer vision and video analysis.

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